Monday, December 12, 2011


The camera totally bastardized the quality of this and washed out all the colors :c Anywho, if you can tell, this is from the movie, Avatar, because their planet structure is far superior to our own. I wanted to painted the massive trees and try and get as much detail as I could into this...unfortunately I did not succeed, and as a result of my frustration, used my markers for the last third of this. I dislike water colours...

National Geographic Image

Had to choose a national geographic image of either a landscape or an animal. I chose a white-faced scops owl because they are so unique from all the other owls. I did not paint any of the black parts, that was painted over the acrylic as black India ink. I think the textures I used makes the bright goldenrod eye of his stand out.

Expressive Portrait

Expressive portrait. I did an outline of a portrait I did, then glued it onto a collage of all things British c:


This was originally going to go onto my expressive portrait background, but I didn't want to ruin it by potentially getting glue on it, so I mounted it onto black paper and yep. This picture is huge. 

Copics on bristol

Ink Resist

Ink resists using black India ink on water colour paper. The one on the left is the original image, in which unfortunately got some acrylic paint on the chin :c. One on the right was traced from the left on a lightbox. I'm quite cross at how my eye looks like it's drifting off to some other part of my face.  Highly contrasted original photo of my cat and I.  

Shading Practice

White shapes on a white cloth to make the shadows pop against the rigid and smooth curves of the figures. 

Pencil on Bristol.

Candy Wrapper Abstract Study

Had to bring in a candy bar wrapper to look at the typography, colors the producers used and overall appearance that made it unique from all the rest. I chose the Yorkie bar from England. The yellow and blue really contrast against each other to make one another pop out against themselves. The bold typeface makes a bold statement that is sure to pop out at you if you see it in kiosks.

Copics on Bristol.

Freddy Study

Had to study Freddy and draw a certain bone from him. I decided to do the spine, since it has great natural movement and is fun to draw. White charcoal on black bristol

Stool Study

Not too proud of this one. Black and white acrylic paint with sharpie on bristol. It is highly contrasted since I only used two colors. We had to refer to stools in the front of the class and draw lines to separate the colors from one another. 

Freddy Fantasy

Freddy fantasy image in class. Drew a skeleton, then added an environment to him. I chose underwater because I like fish and pretty much everything under the sea...especially the spongebob in the lower right-hand corner. Drawn with pencil on bristol.